
MTN PRO Wash Spray Primer

MTN PRO Wash Spray Primer is a spray paint that contains a product that is suitable as a phosphate primer coat. It is specifically designed for metallic surfaces (galvanized and electro-galvanized steel, aluminum, and other polished metals).
It provides excellent adherence to any base on which paint will be applied. Especially suitable for use on garage doors, metal shutters, aluminum framing, and copper pipes.
Ideal as a base coat before using any other type of paint. It provides durability and prevents the paint from cracking or peeling and can also be used as a primer for polyamide, carbon fiber, epoxy, polyester, acrylate, PVC, PC, and ABS plastic surfaces.

Good Adhesion - Corrosion Protection - Quick Drying - Does NOT Contain Lead

$ 15.23


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Primer - $ 15.23
Primer $ 15.23
